

Czechoslovakian aces of WW2

  The lists

All the lists present the following data:
Name and (when known) first name are presented with arbitrary choice for the spelling (russian, german, arab names...).
RANK of the pilot: see the rank page for the meaning of the abbreviations and the equivalence.
According to the pages, COUNTRY, NATION for the nationality or ethnic origin, AIR_SERVICE for the air arm, are provided.
The number of victories represents usually the total of kills (individual plus shared). The shared kills are indicated when known under the form [indiv+shared]. The official score is indicated when different from the total (American and British scores of ww2 for example).
Authors of the SOURCES column are given; report to the bibliography page to find the books, articles, web pages in alphabetical order. The OTHER_SOURCES column presents the divergent scores with sometimes the author of the source.
The DETAIL column shows occasionally the type of kill, balloons, V-1s, ground kills, unconfirmed kills...
The NOTE column exposes different commentaries and for lack of space, abbreviations are used: report to the abbreviation page for their meaning.

Updated: 25/01/2019

FLtKarel MiroslavKUTTELWASCHER20[18+2]18,47C.Shores & C.WilliamsAA & RAFGCIII/3, 1Sq, 23Sq RAFBat.of France.
SgtJosephFRANTISEK17C.Shores & C.WilliamsRAF1.Plu ECO, 303Sq08/10/194028, 18, 20
CaptAloisVASATKO14[4+10]C.Shores & C.WilliamsPolAF A.Air & RAFLC.14; GCI/5, 312(Cz)Sq, Exeter Wg23/06/1942H-75, BoF; Hurr. Spit. 40-41.13,33; 15
SLdrOttoSMIK13[11+2]9Shores & Will.(3 V-1s)RAF130Sq,122Sq,222Sq,310(Cz)Sq,127Sq RAF28/11/1944Spitfire ace, 1943-44, Europe. KIA.11 (Hess)
SLdrMiroslav JanMANSFELD12[10+2]8,83Shores & Wil.(2 V-1s)RAF111Sq, 68(NF)Sq RAFBeaufighter night fighter ace, 1940-45.
FLtFrantisekPERINA12[3+9]Buffotot-Facon, ShoresA. de l'Air & RAFGCI/5, 312SqCurtiss H-75, BoF; Hurricane.7;6,53;14
CaptJosefSTEHLIK10[3+7]T. PolakA.Air RAF & VVSGCIII/3, 312Sq RAF, 1.csslp, 2.csslpBoF, Channel, Russian front with VVS.5,21; 6; 5 (Hess)
SgtVenceslas 'Vaclav'CUKR8[3+5]J.Rajlich(+1 balloon)AdA & RAFGCII/3, 310Sq, 43Sq, 601Sq, 253SqBattle of France.2+4sh; 5+4sh (Skulski)
CaptStanislav B. 'Standa'FEJFAR8[6+2]7,5C.Shores & C.WilliamsAA & RAF45/3 Reg; GCI/6, 310Sq, 313Sq RAF17/05/1942MS.406, Hurr, 40. Spit, Channel 42. KIA.5+1sh
SgtLeopoldSROM8[5+3]RAF & VVS245Sq, 310(Cz)Sq, 1.CzPluk17/10/1968Spitfire, La-5.4,5; 5,5; 7; 6 (Shores)
FLtVaclav 'Vasek'JICHA7[4+3]5,17C.Shores & C.WilliamsAAGCI/6; 1Sq, 313Sq RAF01/02/1945Bat.of France. KIA4,37; 3+4sh
SLdrOtmarKUCERA7[5+2]5,83C.Shores & C.WilliamsRAF111Sq, 312Sq, 313Sq RAF
LtTomasVYBIRAL7[1+6]P. Skulski, J.RajlichArmée de l'Air & RAFGCI/5, 312Sq, Cs.WingH.75, B.of France, 1940.6; 7,5
WCdrFrantisek 'Dolly'DOLEZAL6[3+3]C.Shores & C.WilliamsAdA & RAFGCII/2, 19Sq, 310Sq, Cs.Wing04/10/1945MS.406, BoF. Spit, BoB, Channel. KIFA.5,5; 6,5
BohumilFURST6Armée de l'Air & RAFELD Chateaudun, GCII/2, 310Sq, 605SqBattle of France.5
POStanislavPLZAK6[3+3]C.Shores & C.WilliamsA.Air & RAFGCII/2, 310(Czech)Sq, 1Sq, 19Sq07/08/1941MS.406 pilot, BoF.3+4sh
SldrEduard MaxmilianPRCHAL6[4+2]5,5C.Shores & C.WilliamsAA & RAFGCI/8, 310Sq, 68Sq RAFBat.of France.4,83 (Shores)
S/LJan K.AMBRUS5[4+1]0,13(4 V-1s,1 Blenheim by mistake)AdA, RAFDAT Chartres, 310Sq, 312Sq
LtLadislaw "Lada"BOBEK5C.Shores & C.WilliamsRAF68(NF)SqBeaufighter ace, North Sea, 1942-43.
FLtFrantisekCHABERA5[3+2]J.RajlichAA & RAFGCII/5; 312Sq, 96Sq, 68Sq, 1.csslpCurtiss H.75 ace, BoF.4 (Eh.List.); 7
LtEyzenCIZEK5[2+3]Ehrengardt-ListemannA. de l'AirGCIII/3, 1Sq, 312Sq26/11/1940Battle of France. KIA 1940.4
WOJosef D.DYGRYN-LIGOTICKY5C.Shores & C.WilliamsRAF85Sq, 1Sq, 310Sq04/06/19425+1sh
ColFrantizekFAJTL5[3+2]J. HermanAdA, RAF, VVSGCIII/9, GCIII/7, 1Sq, 17Sq, 313 Sq, CzAP
LtEmilFECHTNER5RAF310(Czech)Sq29/10/1940Hurricane I, BoB. KIFA.4 (Shores Wil.)
FLtJosef JanHANUS5[4+1]4,14AA & RAFGCIII/1, 310Sq, 32Sq, 245Sq, 600Sq, 125Sq, 68SqBat.of France.
SLdrSvatoplukJANOUCH5[3+2]3,83C.Shores & C.WilliamsGCI/6, 310Sq, 605SqMS.406 pilot, BoF.4,5
LtJanKLAN5[2+3]Ehrengardt-ListemannA. de l'AirGCII/5, 312Sq, 605Sq, 68Sq, 1.csslpBat.of France.8; 7
S/LtOnzoKLAN5Armée de l'Air
F/OBedrichKRATKORUKY5[2+3]Shores + Ehrengardt-List.AA & RAFGCIII/3, 1Sq, 313Sq15/01/1943MS.406 pilot, BoF.
F/LJaroslav 'Jiri' 'Jirka'KUCERA5C.Shores & C.WilliamsAdA & RAFGCI/6, 310Sq,111Sq,238Sq,501Sq,313Sq, 544Sq RAF7
JosefPRIHODA5[4+1]RAFGCIII/4, 1Sq, 111Sq, 313Sq
FLtRaimundPUDA5[1+4]C.Shores & C.WilliamsA.Air & RAFGCII/4, 310Sq, 605Sq2,7
SgtLadislavSVETLIK5[1+4]J. HermanAA & RAFGCII/5, 312SqH.75 bat.of France pilot.0+4sh (Rajlich); 7
Table: Czechoslovakian aces of WW2

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