

Italian aces of the RSI

  The lists

All the lists present the following data:
Name and (when known) first name are presented with arbitrary choice for the spelling (russian, german, arab names...).
RANK of the pilot: see the rank page for the meaning of the abbreviations and the equivalence.
According to the pages, COUNTRY, NATION for the nationality or ethnic origin, AIR_SERVICE for the air arm, are provided.
The number of victories represents usually the total of kills (individual plus shared). The shared kills are indicated when known under the form [indiv+shared]. The official score is indicated when different from the total (American and British scores of ww2 for example).
Authors of the SOURCES column are given; report to the bibliography page to find the books, articles, web pages in alphabetical order. The OTHER_SOURCES column presents the divergent scores with sometimes the author of the source.
The DETAIL column shows occasionally the type of kill, balloons, V-1s, ground kills, unconfirmed kills...
The NOTE column exposes different commentaries and for lack of space, abbreviations are used: report to the abbreviation page for their meaning.

Updated: 28/05/2021

Magg.MarioBELLAGAMBI1214G. Massimello, N.Arena(12 ANR)VI.Gr; 354a, 364a; 5a (2.Gr) ANRANR ace.
Cap.UgoDRAGO1117G. Massimello & G. Aposto(11 ANR)(+ 3 shared)363a (150.Gr), 1a, 2a(II.Gr) ANRFrance, Greece, Desert, Sicily, Italy.
serg.mag.AttilioSANSON712G. Massimello & G. Aposto(7 ANR)362a (22.Gr), 5a (2.Gr) ANR
Serg.MagLorisBALDI55G. Massimello & G. Aposto(All ANR)396a, 4a ANRDodecanese, 43; ANR.
S.Ten.CarloCUCCHI56G. Massimello & G. Aposto(5 ANR)385a, 1a ANR
mlloLuigi 'Gigi'GORRINI519G. Massimello & G. Aposto(5 ANR)85a; 2a (1.Gr) ANRFrance, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, wounded.
S.Ten.GiovanniSAJEVA55G. Massimello & G. Aposto(all ANR)310a; 1a ANR
tenBrunoCARTOSIO44(4 ANR)1.Gr.
Ten.NicolaMANZITTI44N. Arena(all ANR)2.Gr. ANR
Mag.CarloMIANI47G. Massimello & G. Aposto(4 ANR)359a, 360a; 2.Gr ANR
tenGiuseppeROBETTO410G. Massimello(4 ANR)XVI.Gr; 167a, 76a, 86a, 310a, 1a (1.Gr) ANRC.200, C.202, ANR C.205 pilot.
Ten.RaffaeleVALENZANO48G. Massimello & G. Aposto(4 ANR)370a, 78a, 372a; 4a ANR
MlloTullioCOVRE35G. Massimello & G. Aposto(3 ANR)353a, 86a, 5a ANR
S.M.FaustoFORNACI39G. Massimello & G. Aposto(3 ANR)362a; 5a ANR06/02/1945
S.M.DomenicoLAIOLO36G. Massimello & G. Aposto(3 ANR)76a, 363a, 319a; 1a ANR
Ten.AntonioLONGHINI38G. Massimello & G. Aposto(3 ANR)370a, 355a; 2a ANR16/11/1944
tenRemoLUGARI33T.Wood(3 ANR)1 & 2a Sq (1.Gr.) ANR
serg.mGiuseppeMARCONCINI36G. Massimello & G. Aposto(3 ANR)76a, 310a; 1a ANR
mlloLuigiMOROSI318A. Rosselli(3 ANR)81a; 3a ANR06/04/1944
Cap.AlbertoSPIGAGLIA36G. Massimello & G. Aposto(3 ANR)(+ 4 shared)364a (150.Gr); 2.Gr ANRCR.42, S.France, 1940.
maggAdrianoVISCONTI DI CAMPUGNANO326G. Massimello(3 ANR)(+ 18 prob.)23a, 159a, 76a, 86a, 310a; 1.Gr ANR29/04/1945MC.202, Med., Tunisia, 1942-43. ANR.
mlloAmedeoBENATI210G. Massimello & G. Aposto(2 ANR)77a, 79a; 1 & 3a ANR
Sgt.LucioBIAGINI25G. Massimello & G. Aposto(2 ANR)359a (22.Gr); 2a ANR25/04/1944
serg.mFrancesco 'Franco'CUSCUNA25G. Massimello & G. Aposto(2 ANR)(+ 1 shared)75a (23.Gr Aut.); 1 & 2a (1.Gr) ANRPantelleria, Libya, def.of Turin.
Ten.FaustoFILIPPI28G. Massimello & G. Aposto(2 ANR)363a; 5a ANR23/01/1945Bf-109G, Sicily, Italy, 43-45. KIA.
ObltEgeoFIORONI22T.Wood(2 ANR)76a (7.Gr.), 1./JGr ItalienMC.202 and Bf 109G pilot.
sergArtidoroGALETTI22(2 ANR)2.Gr. ANR
Cap.AmedeoGUIDI26H. Gustavsson(2 ANR)(+ 1 shared)366a (20.Gr); 2a (1.Gr) ANRCR.42, Desert 40; MC.205, ANR 44.
mlloCarloMAGNAGHI211G. Massimello & G. Aposto(2 ANR)76a, 98a, 310a; 1a ANR
Serg.DiegoRODOZ26G. Massimello & G. Aposto(2 ANR)167a (16.Gr), 1a (1.Gr) ANR
sergLeoTALIN22T.Wood(2 ANR)2.Gr. ANR
Cap.GiulioTORRESI210G. Massimello(+ 12 shared)(2 ANR)77a, 362a; 3a ANR01/07/1944CR.42, Desert; MC.200, Russia; Italy.
MlloMarioVERONESI212H. Gustavsson(2 ANR)(+ 4 shared)84a (10.Gr); 1a (1.Gr) ANRDesert, Malta, 40-42; Italy, ANR 44.
Ten.Gian MarioZUCCARINI25H. Gustavsson(2 ANR)(+ 3 shared)77a (13.Gr), 3a (1.Gr) ANRLibya 40-43. G.55, ANR 44.
S.Ten.LuigiBANDINI15G. Massimello & G. Aposto(1 ANR)70a, 153a, 95a; 2a ANR29/04/1944
ten.Giuseppe 'Bepi'BIRON110V. Tassone(1 ANR)33a (VI.Gr), XVI.Gr; 369a, JGr.Bonet ANRMC.200, Russia, 1942.
Cap.GiovanniBONET111G. Massimello & G. Aposto(1 ANR)70a, 359a, 150a; Mont-B ANR29/03/1944ANR, Italia, 1944.
S.Ten.AntonioCAMAIONI18G. Massimello & G. Aposto(1 ANR)375a, 363a; 6a ANR
MlloGuidoFIBBIA16G. Massimello & G. Aposto(1 ANR)VI.Gr; 365a, 95a, 2a ANRSpain; Libya, Italy.
MlloDinoFORLANI17G. Massimello & G. Aposto(1 ANR)79a (6.Gr); 2a (1.Gr) ANR
S.Ten.FeliceSQUASSONI12H. Gustavsson(+ 4 shared)(1 ANR)365a (150.Gr), 85a (18.Gr), 1a/4a (2.Gr)
S.Ten.NatalinoSTABILE19G. Massimello & G. Aposto(1 ANR)XXIII.Gr; 88a,3a ANR
MlloEnnio 'Banana'TARANTOLA110G. Massimello & G. Aposto(+ 4 shared)(1 ANR)XVI.Gr; 155a, 239a, 151a, Mont-B ANRCR.32, Spain. Libya, Malta, Italy.
Cap.PioTOMASELLI14G. Massimello(1 ANR)19a XXIII.Gr; 88a (6 Gr.), 72a, 3a ANR
Table: Italian aces of the RSI

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