

RAF notable bomber gunners in WW2

  The lists

All the lists present the following data:
Name and (when known) first name are presented with arbitrary choice for the spelling (russian, german, arab names...).
RANK of the pilot: see the rank page for the meaning of the abbreviations and the equivalence.
According to the pages, COUNTRY, NATION for the nationality or ethnic origin, AIR_SERVICE for the air arm, are provided.
The number of victories represents usually the total of kills (individual plus shared). The shared kills are indicated when known under the form [indiv+shared]. The official score is indicated when different from the total (American and British scores of ww2 for example).
Authors of the SOURCES column are given; report to the bibliography page to find the books, articles, web pages in alphabetical order. The OTHER_SOURCES column presents the divergent scores with sometimes the author of the source.
The DETAIL column shows occasionally the type of kill, balloons, V-1s, ground kills, unconfirmed kills...
The NOTE column exposes different commentaries and for lack of space, abbreviations are used: report to the abbreviation page for their meaning.

Updated: 28/05/2021

SLdrGeorge C. 'Lucky'BARWELL1212Great BritainRAF & USAAFC.Watry-D.Hall(more?)389BG (gunner)B-24 gunner, theorician, MTO.8; 7
NCOJohnROBERTSON1212Great BritainRAFM. Coff(dubious)108Sq (gunner)Wellington rear gunner ace.
POHenry 'Jake'JACOBS88Great BritainRAFM.Sugarman (citation)219Sq, 600Sq gunnerAir gunner ace, 1940-43.
FOWallaceMCINTOSH88[1+7]Great BritainRAFM.Rolfe207(Bomber)SqLancaster rear gunner ace, 43-44.9
WOThomas Joseph 'Tom'MCLEAN77Great BritainRAFJ. Erickson(+ 2 prob)102 Sq, 617 SqGunner ace.9; 8
POClarence Bentley 'Larry'SUTHERLAND77[0+7]CanadaRAFflyingforyourlife.com207Sq (gunner)Lancaster gunner ace.
SgtBRADFORD66Great BritainRAF57Sq (gunner)Gunner ace.
F/SgtPeterENGBRECHT66[5+1]CanadaRCAFNanton Lancaster424(Bomber)Sq (gunner)Halifax gunner ace, ETO, 1944.
FSgtEdward E. 'Ted'DE JOUX55New ZelandeRAF, RNZAFH.L. Thompson102 Sq (gunner)Halifax gunner.4; 2
FSgtSidneyMARSHALL55Great BritainRAFS. White9 Sq (gunner)Lancaster mid-upper gunner.
F/SgtGordon ClarkeGILLANDERS44[1+3]CanadaRCAFbombercommandmuseum.ca424(Bomber)SqHalifax rear gunner, 1944.2+3sh
WOAmstrongLYON44[3+1]Canadaacesofww2.com214SqStirling, B-17 gunner, 43-44.
SgtJohn Thomas W. G.NORRIS44[2+2]Great BritainRAFI.T.Tavender158Sq (gunner)Rear gunner, 1943.
WOJames Willet 'Jim'RITCHIE44[0+4]CanadaRAAF467(Bomber)SqLancaster gunner.
FSgtNorman FrancisWILLIAMS44AustraliaRAAF, RAFP.Firkins via L.Lucas10Sq, 35Sq (gunner), 23Sq RAAFHalifax rear gunner, ETO 1943.8; 6 (Reid)
FSgtBenjaminBIRD33Great BritainRAFI.T.Tavender149Sq (gunner)Bomber rear gunner, 1944.
SgtHenry TrevelyanBOWEN33Great BritainRAFI.T.Tavender11SqAir gunner, 1941.
FSgtDavidBRYDON33Great BritainRAFI.T.Tavender207Sq (gunner)Lancaster gunner, 1944.
FSgtRoy ArthurDYMOTT33[0+3]Great BritainRAFI.T.Tavender514Sq (gunner)Lancaster gunner, 1944.
FOR. C.ETHERIDGE33Great BritainRAFI.T.Tavender207Sq (gunner)Lancaster rear gunner, 1944.
FSgtAlfred EricFULLER33[0+3]Great BritainRAFI.T.Tavender461Sq (gunner)13/08/1943Sunderland gunner, 1943. KIA.
FSgtRoy MarstonGOODE33[0+3]AustraliaRAFI.T.Tavender461Sq13/08/1943Sunderland gunner, 1943. KIA.
FSgtVincent RexJAMIESON33[2+1]New ZelandeRNZAF75 Sq (gunner)Stirling rear gunner, 1943.
F/SgtThomas OswaldMCILQUHAM33CanadaRCAFacesofww2.com(all confirmed?)102 SqHalifax gunner.
AC2Gordon NelsonPATTERSON33CanadaRAFacesofww2.com12 Sq (gunner)Battle gunner 1940. POW.
FSgtJamesPOAD33Great BritainRAFI.T.Tavender514SqLancaster gunner, 1944.
F/SgtThomasROMANCHUCK33[0+3]CanadaRCAFacesofww2.com408(Bomber)SqHalifax gunner, 1944.
F/SgtDanielSHUTKA33[0+3]CanadaRCAFacesofww2.com408(Bomber)SqHalifax gunner, 1944.
SgtSamuel HenrySMITH33Great BritainRAFI.T.Tavender10SqHalifax mid-gunner, 1944.
Table: RAF notable bomber gunners in WW2

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