Aces of the Winter War

  The lists

All the lists present the following data:
Name and (when known) first name are presented with arbitrary choice for the spelling (russian, german, arab names...).
RANK of the pilot: see the rank page for the meaning of the abbreviations and the equivalence.
According to the pages, COUNTRY, NATION for the nationality or ethnic origin, AIR_SERVICE for the air arm, are provided.
The number of victories represents usually the total of kills (individual plus shared). The shared kills are indicated when known under the form [indiv+shared]. The official score is indicated when different from the total (American and British scores of ww2 for example).
Authors of the SOURCES column are given; report to the bibliography page to find the books, articles, web pages in alphabetical order. The OTHER_SOURCES column presents the divergent scores with sometimes the author of the source.
The DETAIL column shows occasionally the type of kill, balloons, V-1s, ground kills, unconfirmed kills...
The NOTE column exposes different commentaries and for lack of space, abbreviations are used: report to the abbreviation page for their meaning.

Updated: 08/03/2021

RatsJorma Kalevi 'Zamba'SARVANTO1418Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(12+2 Winter w.)4/LLv24; 2 & 1/LeLv24, KoeL, MaaSK, TLLv35D.21, Winter w. top ace; Brewster 41-43.
MajJorma 'Joppe'KARHUNEN935K.Keskinen-K.StenmanFinland(5+4 Winter w.)(4 unconf?)1/LLv24, 2/LLv24, 3/LeLv2418/01/2002Fokker and Brewster ace, 1939-43.29+5
CaptPer Erik 'Pelle'SOVELIUS917Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(7+2 Winter w.)4/LLv24, 4/LeLv24, KoeL, LeLv28DXXI Winter w. ace. Brewster, 1941-42.12,75; 12,5 (Stenman)
VaaOiva 'Oippa' Emil K.TUOMINEN947Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(1 balloon)(8+1 Winter w.)2/LLv26; 1/LeLv26, LeLv30, 1&2/LeLv34Gladiator, G.50 and Bf-109 ace.43
LuutTatu MauriHUHANANTTI88K.Keskinen-K.StenmanFinland(all Winter w.)3/LLv2429/02/1940DXXI Winter war ace. KIA.5+3
AdjViktor 'Vikki'PYOTSIA822Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(7+1 Winter W.)3LLv24, 3 & 1/LeLv24DXXI, Winter War ace. Brewster.20,16; 7,33 W.w.
AdjYrjo 'Pappa' OlaviTURKKA720Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(3+4 Winter w.)LeLv32; 2/LeLv24, LeLv34, HLeLv24DXXI, Brewster ace, Bf-109, 39-43.17,74; 17,5
YliKelpo Jalmari TaimiVIRTA77K.StenmanFinland(all Winter w.)3/LLv2428/01/1941DXXI, Winter War ace. KIFA.
MajVasilii VasilevichYEFREMOV719M. BykovUSSR(7 Winter War)133 IAP, 129 IAP, 5 GIAPI-15 Winter War ace.24+8; 12 (Polak)
CaptRisto 'Olli' PetterPUHAKKA642Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(6 Winter w.)1/LLv24,3/LLv26; LeLv26,LeLv28,LeLv24,LeLv34DXXI, Winter War; G.50 and Bf-109 ace.42+1;43;6,5 or 8 Ww;50
SgtPentti TeodorTILLI66Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(all Winter w.)3/LLv2620/01/1940DXXI, Winter War ace. KIA.
CaptHans "Hasse" HenrikWIND678Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland4 & 3/LeLv24Brewster and Bf-109G ace, 1941-44.
SgtLasse ErikAALTONEN514K.Keskinen-K.StenmanFinland(4+1 Winter w.)2/LeLv26, 3/HLeLv34Fokker, G.50, Bf-109G ace, 39-44.12,66 (12+2)
CaptPaavo David 'Pate'BERG511K.Keskinen-K.StenmanFinland(5 Winter w.)2/LLv26, LeLv3201/11/1941Winter war Gladiator ace. Hawk, 41. KIA.9+1 (Thomas)
stLtAlexandr DmitrievichBULAEV528M. BykovUSSR(1 balloon, 5 Winter War)158 IAP, 17 IAP, 159 IAP17/05/1943Winter war, Leningrad front.16+8(Polak);24+8(Bodrik.)
CaptUrho AbrahamNIEMINEN511Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(5 Winter w.)3/LeLv26, KoeLD.21 Winter w. ace; G-50, Brewster 41.12; 6 W.w.
LuutLauri Vilhelm 'Lapra'NISSINEN534Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(3+2 Winter W.)2 & 3/LeLv24, MaaSK17/06/1944DXXI, Brewster, Bf-109, 39-44. KIA.32
SgtToivoVUORIMAA55Keskinen-StenmanFinland(all Winter w.)4/LLv24, LeR 3D.XXI Winter War ace.4
ColIosif IvanovichGEIBO49M. BykovUSSR(4 Winter War)70 IAP; 46 IAP, 20 IAP, 263 IAD, 6 GIADI-152, Khalkin Gol. I-16, LaGG-3 ww2.3 Winter W.
SgtSakari HeikkiIKONEN48K.Keskinen-K.StenmanFinland(2+2 Winter w.)(2 unconf?)4/LeLv24, LeSK, T-LLv35Fokker, Brewster, 1939-42.6,5; 5,75; 2+2sh
LuutAntti IlmariJOENSUU45K.Keskinen-K.StenmanFinland(4 Winter w.)2/LLv26, LeLv26, MaaSK, 1/HLeLv3408/11/1963Winter War. G.50 and Bf-109G, 1941-44.
LentEero 'Lekkeri' AulisKINNUNEN424Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(3+1 Winter w.)LLv26; 1, 2 & 3/LeLv2421/04/1943Fokker and Brewster ace, 1940-43. KIA.
CaptPekka JohannesKOKKO415Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(3+1 Winter w.)LeLv24, KoeLDXXI, Winter War. Brewster ace 41.13
LtColPetr KonstantinovichKOZACHENKO424T. PolakUSSR(4 Winter War)249IAP, 163 GIAP18/03/1945Ace in China; Winter War; Caucasus.12+12; 29+2 ww2
LtPavel MikhailovichLOVCHIKOV410M. BykovUSSR(4 Winter War)(more?)271 IAPI-153 Winter War. LaGG. KIA 1942.11; 15 (Bodrikhin)
MajGustaf Erik 'Eka'MAGNUSSON46Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(4 Winter w.)4/LLv24, LeLv24, LeR3D.21, Winter War; Brewster, 1941.
Viktor GrigorevichMASICH412M. BykovUSSR(4 Winter War)68 IAP
LtColVasilii MikhailovichNAYDENKO422V.ArkhipovUSSR(?)22 IAP; 25 IAP, 126 IAP-PVO30/01/1969I-16, Spain, Kh.Gol, Finland. P-40, ww2.17+19;10+29;8+13;12+19ww2
LtAlexandr FedorovichSEMENOV431T. Polak, A.AbramovUSSR(4+0 Winter War)6.Mosca; 7,180, 434IAP,286IAD, 32GIAP,3GIAD,322IAD13/02/1979I-15, I-16, Spain, Finland. Yak to La-7.15+12 ww2(Arkhipov)
mlLtViktor VasilevichTALALIKHIN411V. ArkhipovUSSR177 IAP-PVO27/10/1941Winter War.8; 27
SgtMartti AslakALHO317K.Keskinen-K.StenmanFinland(3 sh Winter w.)(2 unconf?)4/LLv24, 4/LeLv2405/06/1943Fokker, Brewster ace, 1939-43. KIFA.15
MajErkki OlaviEHRNROOTH36K.Keskinen-K.StenmanFinland(3 Winter w.)KoeL, LeLv34, LeLv3227/03/1943Fokker, G.50, Curtiss, 40-42. KIFA.
AdjEino Ilmari 'Illu'JUUTILAINEN394K.Keskinen-K.StenmanFinland(2 Winter w.)(18 unconf?)3/LeLv24, 1/LeLv34, 1/HLeLv2421/02/1999Brewster and Bf-109 ace, 1939-44.94+1sh; 76
MajVeikko JohannesKARU313K.Keskinen-K.StenmanFinland(3 Winter w.)(1 unconf?)LeLv26,LeLv28,3/LeLv30,LeR3,LeLv26,LeLv3430/07/1991DXXI ace , Brewster, Bf-109, 40-43.8+6
KornAarre PaivioLINNAMAA37Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(1 Winter w.)1/LeLv28Morane MS-406 ace, 40-42.6+2 (6,66)
MajEino Antero "Eikka"LUUKKANEN359Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(2+1 Winter W.)LeLv24, LeLv30, HLeLv34Fokker, Brewster and Bf-109 ace, 39-44.51
Porfirii AfanasievichMIKHAILIUK325M. BykovUSSR(1+2 Winter War)(1 balloon)7 IAP; 87 IAP, 73 GIAP
MajPavel IgnatevichMURAVEV342N.G.BodrikhinUSSR(3 Winter war)157 IAP, 271 IAP, 64 GIAPI-16, Finland; LaGG, Yak.25+5(Bykov);16+12(Polak)
KaptAnatolii IvanovichNEFEDOV316T. Polak, M. BykovUSSR(2+1 Winter War)12 OIAP, 5 IAP-KBF29/09/1973Winter War.
AdjOnni KulervoPARONEN313Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(3 Winter w.)LLv26, 3/LeLv26, 3/LeLv34Fokker, G-50 and Bf-109 ace, 40-44.
YliValio Valfrid 'Valtso'PORVARI38Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(3 Winter w.)3/LeLv26Bulldog, Gloster, G.50, Brewster, 39-41.8,5
ColFedor IvanovichSHINKARENKO39M. BykovUSSR(3 Winter War)13 OIAE, 7 IAP, 133 IAP, 42 IAP, 133 GIAP, 130 IADWinter War.6 (Polak)
AdjLauri JohannesLAUTAMAKI26Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(1+1 Winter w.)LLv22, 1/LeLv26, KoeLBuldog, Winter War; G.50, 41-42.6+2
ColSergei IvanovichMIRONOV218N.G.BodrikhinUSSR(2 Winter War)68 IAP, 153 IAP, 28 GIAP, 193 IAD08/08/1964I-153, I-16, P-39.16;12+2(Bykov);6(Polak)
MajPetr AfanasevichPOKRYSHEV246T. PolakUSSR(2 v Winter War)7 IAP, 158 IAP, 154 IAP, 29 GIAP, 159IAP22/08/1967Winter War, I-16, P-40, Yaks, La-5.24+7(Bykov);31+7(Bodrik.)
AdjVeikko Toivo 'Veka'RIMMINEN28Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(1+1 Winter w.)2&1/LeLv24, LeSK, T-LLv35Fokker, Brewster, 1940-41.
CaptIikka Veikko SanteriTORRONEN214Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(2 sh Winter w.)LLv26, 2 & 4/LeLv2402/05/1943Fokker, Brewster ace, 1940-43. MIA.11,33; 11 (Stenman)
AdjMauno Mikael 'Manu'FRANTILA16K.Keskinen-K.StenmanFinland(1 Winter w.)(1 unconf?)LeLv24, LeLv30, 2/LeLv34, 2/HLeLv30,1/HLeLv34Fokker, Curtiss, Bf-109G, 40-44.4+1
subLtMartti Olavi KalervoINEHMO18Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(1 Winter w.)(5 unconf?)2/LeLv2826/12/1941Morane ace, 40-41. Commit suicide.3
AdjUrho Sakari 'Pikku-Jatti'LEHTOVAARA145Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(1 Winter w.)3/LeLv28, 3/LeLv34Morane and Bf-109G ace, 40-44.
stLtAlexandr MikhailvichLUKYANOV19T.Polak, A.E.MelnikovUSSR(1 Winter War)24 IAP, 159 IAP28/01/19428; +1 Winter War(Bykov)
LuutPauli AatosMASSINEN15Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(1 Winter w.)2/LeLv28, LeSKMS-406 ace, 1940-41.
CaptJouko Jalo 'Jokeli'MYLLYMAKI15Keskinen-Stenman-NiskaFinland(1 Winter w.)3/LeLv28, LeSK, T-LLv35, LeLv24Morane, Bf-109G, 40-44.
vanLauri OlaviSIHVO15Finland(0,5 Winter W.)
YliS.SUIKKANEN15Finland(1 Winter w.)LLv26
Table: Aces of the Winter War

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