

Greek aerial victory credits of WW2

  The lists

All the lists present the following data:
Name and (when known) first name are presented with arbitrary choice for the spelling (russian, german, arab names...).
RANK of the pilot: see the rank page for the meaning of the abbreviations and the equivalence.
According to the pages, COUNTRY, NATION for the nationality or ethnic origin, AIR_SERVICE for the air arm, are provided.
The number of victories represents usually the total of kills (individual plus shared). The shared kills are indicated when known under the form [indiv+shared]. The official score is indicated when different from the total (American and British scores of ww2 for example).
Authors of the SOURCES column are given; report to the bibliography page to find the books, articles, web pages in alphabetical order. The OTHER_SOURCES column presents the divergent scores with sometimes the author of the source.
The DETAIL column shows occasionally the type of kill, balloons, V-1s, ground kills, unconfirmed kills...
The NOTE column exposes different commentaries and for lack of space, abbreviations are used: report to the abbreviation page for their meaning.

Updated: 25/01/2019

WCdrYiannis (John) AgorastosPLAGIS17C.Shores & C.WilliamsRAF65, 266, 249, 185, 64, 126Sq; Bentwaters Wg RAFSpitfire V, Malta, 1942.
FOBasilios MichaelVASSILIADES10C.Shores & C.WilliamsRAF19Sq, 3Sq25/03/19459,83 (Shores)
CaptAndreasANTONIOU6I. MansolasEVA22 MiraP.24, Gladiator, Thessaloniki, 1940-41.4+1sh (Skulski), 4+2 prob
1stLtSpiros Nikolas 'Steve'PISSANOS6AFHRAUSAAF268Sq, 71'Eagle'Sq, 334FS/4FGSpitfire, P-47, P-51, ETO, 1943-44.7 (Toliver); 5 (Olynyk)
SgtPanagiotisARGYROPOULOS5+1 prob.EVA22 MiraPZL P-24, Thessaloniki,Koritsa, 1940-41.6
SgtEpaminondasDANGOULAS4S.NapierEVA22 MiraPZL P.24, GladiatoThessaloniki, 1940-41.2+2prob (Skulski)
subLtIoannis 'John'KATSAROS4Napier, Skulski, Carr(1 FTL)EVA21 MiraPZL P-24, 1940.+1 prob.
CaptIoannis 'John'KELLAS4I. MansolasEVA21 Mira, 335(Greek)SqPZL P-24, Gladiator, Greece, 1940.3 (Napier)
CaptGrigoriosFANOURGAKIS3P.SkulskiEVA22 Mira, 23 MiraPZL P-24, 1941.1+3 prob; 2 (Napier)
SLdrMarinosMITRALEXES3EVA & RAF22 Mira19/09/1948PZL-24, Gladiator, Thessaloniki, 1940.5; 1+1 prob.
LtIonnis 'John'SAKELLARIOU3P.Skulski+J.Carr(not confirmed?)EVA21 Mira02/11/1940PZL-24, def. of Greece, 1941.Only claims
CaptTadeas J.SPELIS3AFHRA(1 V-1)USAAF422NFSP-61 night fighter, ETO, 1944.
LtSophoclesBALTATZIS2J. Carr(by gunner)EVA32 MiraFairey Battle, Albania, 1940.4
subLtAnastasiosBARDAVILIAS2C.ShoresEVA21.Mira10/02/1941PZL P.24, Kelcyre, 1941, KIA.1 (Napier)
LtPanagiotisBOUSIOS2EVA22 MiraPZL P.24, 1941.
CaptGeorgeDOUKAS2S.NapierEVA & RAFIcarus FS, 22 Mira, 336(Greek)SqPZL P.24, 1940-41.1 (Mansolas)
LtPanayotisEKONOMOPOULOS2S.NapierEVA24.MiraMB.151, def.of Greece, 1941.
LtAntonioKATSIMBOURIS2EVA22.MiraP.24, April War.
SgtPericlesKOUTROUMBAS2S.NapierEVA23 Mira15/04/1941PZL P.24, 1940-41. KIA.
CaptIoannisKYRIAZES2P.SkulskiEVA21 MiraP.24, 1940.
LtMarinosLAMBROPOULOS2EVA22.MiraPZL P.24, Thessaloniki, 1940.1 (Carr)
LtG.LASKARIS2P.SkulskiEVA23 MiraPZL P-24, Koritsa front, 1940.
SgtGiorgiosMOKKAS2M.Ledet, S.NapierEVA24.Mira15/04/1941MB.151, def.of Greece, 1941. KIA.1
SgtN.NIKITIDIS2J. CarrEVA32 MiraBlenheim gunner, Albania, 1940.4?
LtPanagiotisOIKONOMOPOULOS2EVA24.MiraBloch MB.151, 1941.
CaptNikolaosSKROUMBELOS2EVA22 Mira, 23 Mira23/02/1941PZL P.24, 1941. KIA.
SgtEleftheriosSMYRNIOTOPOULOS2J. CarrEVA24.MiraBloch MB.151, Thessaloniki, 1941.
StSgtDimitriosSOUFRILAS2I. MansolasRAF & RHAF335(Greek)Sq, 336(RHAF)SqHurricane, Desert, Spitfire, MTO, 42-44.
LtYannisANAGNOSTOPOULOS1J. Carr(probable?)RAF & RHAF335(Greek)SqHurricane, Desert, 1942. POW.
CaptANDONIOU1M.LedetEVA22.MiraGreece defence, 1941.
LtA.APLADAS1S. NapierEVA23.MiraPZL P.24, 1940.
GrigoriosBALKANAS1EVA23.MiraP-24, 1940.
CHRISTAKOS1J. CarrRAF306(Greek)SqSpitfire, 1944.
SgtS.DEPOUNIS1S.NapierEVA23.MiraPZL P.24, 1940.
SSgtEliasDIMITRAKOPOULOS1J. CarrEVA21 MiraGladiator, 1941.
POEleutheriosHAJIOANNU1B. Cull(claimed damaged)RAF335(Greek)SqHurricane, N.Africa, 1943.
SgtK.KABOUNIS1S.NapierEVA23.MiraPZL P.24, 1940.
KATSARELIS1EVA22.MiraPZL P.24, 1941.
VasiliosKONTOGIORGOS1EVA22.MiraP.24, April War, 1941.
SgtNikolaosKOSTORIZOS1J. CarrEVA21 MiraGladiator, 1941.
SgtJ.KOUYIOUMZOGLOU1S.NapierEVA23.MiraPZL P.24, 1940.
LtAndreasMIHALITSIANOS1P.SkulskiEVA22 MiraPZL P.24, 1941.
SgtG.NOMIKOS1S.NapierEVA23.MiraPZL P.24, 1940.
SgtChristosPAPADOPOULOS1J.Carr(FTL)EVA21 Mira02/11/1940PZL-24, def.of Greece, KIA.1; 2; 3
CaptMichalisSABBELOS (SAVELLOS)1I. MansolasEVA24 MiraBloch MB.151, Thessaloniki, 1941.
SgtK.SIORIS1S.NapierEVA23.MiraPZL P.24, 1940.
SgtN.STASINOPOULOS1S.NapierEVA23.MiraPZL P.24, 1940.
CdtGrigoriosTHEODOROPOULOS1S. NapierEVA23 MiraPZL P.24, 1941.
LtKonstantinTSITSAS1P.SkulskiEVA23 Mira03/12/1940PZL P.24, 1940. KIA.
F/LtGeorgiosTSOTSOS1B. CullRAF & RHAF336(Greek)SqSpitfire V, MTO, 1944.
SgtGrigoriosVALKANAS1S.Napier, P.Skulski(by ramming)EVA23 Mira18/11/1940PZL P.24, 1940. KIA.
LtKonstantinosYIANNIKOSTAS1S. Napier, P.SkulskiEVA22 Mira18/11/1940PZL P.24, 1940. KIA.
Table: Greek aerial victory credits of WW2

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