

French victory credits in the Eastern Front

  The lists

All the lists present the following data:
Name and (when known) first name are presented with arbitrary choice for the spelling (russian, german, arab names...).
RANK of the pilot: see the rank page for the meaning of the abbreviations and the equivalence.
According to the pages, COUNTRY, NATION for the nationality or ethnic origin, AIR_SERVICE for the air arm, are provided.
The number of victories represents usually the total of kills (individual plus shared). The shared kills are indicated when known under the form [indiv+shared]. The official score is indicated when different from the total (American and British scores of ww2 for example).
Authors of the SOURCES column are given; report to the bibliography page to find the books, articles, web pages in alphabetical order. The OTHER_SOURCES column presents the divergent scores with sometimes the author of the source.
The DETAIL column shows occasionally the type of kill, balloons, V-1s, ground kills, unconfirmed kills...
The NOTE column exposes different commentaries and for lack of space, abbreviations are used: report to the abbreviation page for their meaning.

Updated: 08/11/2007

Rank First Name Name East Total Ww2 Sources Detail Units Death Note
Cne Marcel ALBERT 20 22 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCI/3, GC3'Normandie' D.520, 1940. Yak ace, Russia 1943-44.
S/Lt Jacques ANDRE 15 16 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCII/3, GC3'Normandie' 02/04/1988 B.of France, Syria, N Africa, Russia.
Capt Roland DE LA POYPE 15 16 Ehrengardt-Listemann 602Sq RAF; GC3'Normandie' VVS Channel, Russian front, Eastern Prussia.
S/Lt Roger SAUVAGE 14 16 T. Polak GCI/5, ECMJ 1/16, GC3'Normandie' 26/09/1977 Potez 631, 1940. Yak ace, Russia.
s/Lt Robert MARCHI 13 13 Ehrengardt-Listemann GRII/52, GC3'Normandie' 17/07/1946 Russian front, 1944-45.
S/Lt Marcel PERRIN 13 13 Buffotot-Facon, Polak GCII/5'Lafayette', GCII/2, GC3'Normandie' 27/04/1957 Russian front, 1944-45. KIFA.
Lt Marcel LEFEVRE 11 11 Buffotot-Facon, Roussel GCII/3, 81Sq, GC3'Normandie' 05/06/1944 Yak-1, Yak-9 ace, Russian front. DOW.
s/Lt Georges LEMARE 11 13 T.Polak, P.Roussel GCI/4, GC3'Normandie' 26/01/1948 BoF, def.of Dakar, Russian front.
Capt Joseph RISSO 11 11 Ehrengardt-Listemann 253Sq, GC3'Normandie' Russian front, 1942-45.
S/Lt Maurice CHALLE 10 10 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie' 27/03/1943 Russian front, KIA.
Capt Leon CUFFAUT 10 13 T.Polak & C.Shores GCII/6, GCII/3, GC3'Normandie' 18/09/2002
Capt Didier BEGUIN 9 9 P.Buffotot-P.Facon GAO507,245Sq,253Sq,GC3'Normandie',341Sq 26/11/1944 Channel 41, 44. Russia, 43. KIA (Flak).
Lt Louis-Robert CASTIN 9 9 Ehrengardt-Listemann GBI/23, GBI/62, GC3'Normandie' Russian front.
Lt Maurice AMARGER 8 8 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie' 19/03/1946
Asp Henri FOUCAUD 8 8 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie' 21/04/1944
Asp Pierre LORILLION 8 8 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie'
Cdt Pierre MATRAS 8 9 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCII/1, GC3'Normandie'
S/Lt Pierre BLETON 7 7 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCI/9, GCI/5, GC3'Normandie'; GCII/9 Algeria, Russian front 1944.
Capt Rene CHALLE 7 8 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCIII/7, GC3'Normandie' Russian front, WIA.
Capt Marc CHARRAS 7 7 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie'; EC3 30/07/1949
S/Lt François DE GEOFFRE DE CHABRIGNAC 7 7 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCII/5'Lafayette', GC3'Normandie' 17/07/1970
Cdt Louis DELFINO 7 15 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCI/4, GCII/9, GC3'Normandie' 11/06/1968 Battle of France, Russian front.
s/Lt Robert IRIBARNE 7 7 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCI/9, GCII/8, GC3'Normandie' 11/02/1945
S/Lt René Lucien MARTIN 7 12 Coste+Ehr.-List. GCII/7, GC3'Normandie' Bat.of France; Russian front, 1944-45.
Asp Maurice BON 6 6 Ehrengardt-Listemann GAM, GC3'Normandie' 13/10/1943 Madagascar 1942, Russia 1943. KIA.
s/Lt Yves CARBON 6 8 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCIII/10, GC3'Normandie' 25/10/1949 Russian front.
S/Lt Noël CASTELAIN 6 7 Ehrengardt-Listemann 1FG, 33Sq, ECF1 (73Sq), GC3'Normandie' 16/07/1943 Hurricane,Desert. Yak, Russia. MIA.
S/Lt Albert DURAND 6 10 T.Polak,Liste Insp.Chasse GCII/1, GCI/3, 340Sq, GC3'Normandie' 01/09/1943 MS.406, 1940. Yak ace Russia. MIA.
Asp Jean Jacques MANCEAU DE LAFITTE 6 6 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie' 02/11/1944
Asp Charles MIQUEL 6 6 Ehren.-List., Polak GCI/8, GC3'Normandie' 16/01/1945
LtCol Pierre POUYADE 6 6 Ehrengardt-Listemann ECN4/13,ECNII/13,EC2/595, GC3'Normandie' 05/09/1979 MS-406, Indochina; CO GC 'Normandie'.
S/Lt Pierre DECHANET 5 7 Insp. Chasse GC III/1, GC3'Normandie' 26/02/1966
Asp Georges HENRY 5 5 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCI/5, GC3'Normandie' 12/04/1945
S/Lt Leon OUGLOFF 5 5 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCII/5, GC3'Normandie' 24/07/1947
S/Lt Gael TABURET 5 5 Ehrengardt-Listemann GTI/15, GTIII/15, GC3'Normandie'
Asp Charles De Jurquet DE LA SALLE D'ANFREVILLE 4 4 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie'
Asp Pierre GENÈS 4 4 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie'
s/Lt Maurice GUIDO 4 4 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie'
Lt Gérard LEON 4 4 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC1 'Alsace', GC3'Normandie' 04/09/1943 Yak, Russia 1943. KIA.
Cne Albert LITTOLFF 4 14 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCIII/7,ECF1,33Sq,274Sq,GC1, GC3'Normandie' 16/07/1943 BoF, Greece, Rayak, Libya, Russia. KIA.
Asp Jacques MATHIS 4 4 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie' Yak, Russia, 1943. KIFA.
s/Lt Gabriel MERTZISEN 4 7 Ehr.-Listem., Polak GCIII/6, GC3'Normandie' 30/09/1951 D.520, Syria 41.
Capt Yves MOURIER 4 9 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCIII/7, GCIII/6, GC3'Normandie'
Capt André MOYNET 4 8 Ehrengardt-Listemann 340Sq'Ile-de-France', GC3'Normandie' 06/05/1993 European front, Russian front.
Asp Roger PENVERNE 4 4 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie' 05/02/1945
Cne Albert PREZIOSI 4 4 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3 'Normandie' 28/07/1943 Hurricane, Libya 41-42. Yak, Russia 43.
Capt Paul DE FORGES 3 3 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCI/33, GC3'Normandie' 31/08/1943 Yak, Russia 1943. MIA.
Asp Robert DELIN 3 3 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCI/2, GC3'Normandie'
Cdt Jean TULASNE 3 4 Ehrengardt-Listemann (1 FTL) GCII/9, GCI/7, 274Sq, 39Sq, GC1, GC3 'Normandie' 17/07/1943 Hurricane, Libya 41. Yak, Russia. MIA.
Asp Roger VERSINI 3 3 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3 'Normandie'
s/Lt Léo Arthur BARBIER 2 2 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC 3'Normandie' Potez 631, 1940. Yak, Russia 1943. MIA.
Lt Roger DENIS 2 2 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie' 13/10/1943 Yak, Russia 1943. KIA.
Lt Pierre DOUARRE 2 2 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie'
Asp Pierre JEANNEL 2 2 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie'
Asp André LARGEAU 2 3 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCII/1, GAM, GC3'Normandie' 14/09/1943 MB.152, BoF. Yak, Russia. MIA.
Asp Alexandre LAURENT 2 2 Ehrengardt-Listemann GAM Madagascar, GC3'Normandie' Madagascar 1942. Russia 1943.
Asp Lionel MENUT 2 2 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie' 29/01/1945
S/Lt Charles MONIER 2 2 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC1'Alsace', GC3'Normandie' 03/03/1953
Asp Fernand PIERROT 2 2 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3 'Normandie'
Asp Joseph SCHOENDORFF 2 2 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3 'Normandie'
Asp André BALCOU 1 1 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC 3'Normandie' 20/09/1943 Yak, Russia 1943. KIA.
Asp Yves BIZIEN 1 1 Ehrengardt-Listemann 123Sq, GC3 'Normandie' 13/04/1943 Yak, Demiansk, 1943. KIA.
Capt Emmanuel BRIHAYE 1 1 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3 'Normandie'
Sgt Jacques CASANEUVE 1 4 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCIII/3, GC3 'Normandie' 13/10/1944 Yak, E.Prussia, 1944, MIA.
Lt Gaston Baugnies DE SAINT MARCEAUX 1 1 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3 'Normandie'
SC Jacques DE SAINT PHALLE 1 1 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3 'Normandie'
Lt Raymond DERVILLE 1 1 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC1'Alsace', GC3'Normandie' 13/04/1943 Yak, Demiansk, 1943. MIA
Asp Yves FAUROUX 1 1 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3'Normandie'
Asp Albert LE BRAS 1 3 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCIII/6, GC3'Normandie'
s/Lt Jean LE MARTELOT 1 1 Ehrengardt-Listemann (+1 not attributed) GC3'Normandie'
Asp Yves MAHE 1 2 Ehrengardt-Listemann 253Sq, GC3 'Normandie'
Asp Roger PINON 1 1 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3 'Normandie' 01/08/1944 Yak, Russia, 1944. KIA.
Lt André POZNANSKI 1 1 Ehrengardt-Listemann 32Sq, GC1 'Alsace', GC3 'Normandie'
Asp Louis QUERNÉ 1 1 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3 'Normandie' 25/09/1944 Yak, E.Prussia, 1944, MIA.
Capt Jean SAUVAGE 1 5 Ehrengardt-Listemann GCIII/3, GCIII/6, GC3'Normandie'
Asp Firmin VERMEIL 1 1 Ehrengardt-Listemann GC3 'Normandie' 17/07/1943 Yak, Russia, 1943. MIA.
Table: French victory credits in the Eastern Front

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