

French twin-engine pilots victory credits

  The lists

All the lists present the following data:
Name and (when known) first name are presented with arbitrary choice for the spelling (russian, german, arab names...).
RANK of the pilot: see the rank page for the meaning of the abbreviations and the equivalence.
According to the pages, COUNTRY, NATION for the nationality or ethnic origin, AIR_SERVICE for the air arm, are provided.
The number of victories represents usually the total of kills (individual plus shared). The shared kills are indicated when known under the form [indiv+shared]. The official score is indicated when different from the total (American and British scores of ww2 for example).
Authors of the SOURCES column are given; report to the bibliography page to find the books, articles, web pages in alphabetical order. The OTHER_SOURCES column presents the divergent scores with sometimes the author of the source.
The DETAIL column shows occasionally the type of kill, balloons, V-1s, ground kills, unconfirmed kills...
The NOTE column exposes different commentaries and for lack of space, abbreviations are used: report to the abbreviation page for their meaning.

Updated: 28/11/2014

FLtRaoul C. 'Lulu'DELEUZE7Ehrengardt-List.(all V-1s)RAF501Sq, 274Sq25/02/1945Diver ace.
SCGeorgesPOST3Ehrengardt-ListemannA. de l'AirECN 1/13Potez 631 best scorer, 1940.
PMGastonBILLOTET2Ehrengardt-ListemannAer.Nav. & A.AirAC2 F1C, GCII/7Aeron.Nav. pilot, 40. Germany 44.
LtHenriCORMOULS2Ehrengardt-ListemannA. de l'AirECMJ 1/16Potez pilot, 1940.
SMRogerDOMAS2Ehrengardt-ListemannAeron.Nav.AC218/05/1940Potez 631 pilot, 1940. KIA.
s/LtMarcelMERLE2Ehrengardt-ListemannA. de l'AirECN 1/13Potez 631 pilot, 1940.
A/CMarcelMIRAUCOURT2Ehrengardt-ListemannA. de l'AirECMJ 1/16Potez pilot, 1940.
SCPierreWURTZ2Ehrengardt-ListemannA. de l'AirECMJ 1/16Potez 631 pilot, 1940.
SMHenriANDRES1Ehrengardt-ListemannAeron.Nav.AC1 F1CAeron.Nav. pilot, Potez 631, 1940.
LtBERRARD1SHAA(by gunner?)A. de l'AirGB II/23LeO.451 pilot, Somme 1940.
AdjBEYNET1SHAA(confirmed?)A. de l'AirGB 1/19DB-7 pilot, 1940.
AdjMarcelBLANCHARD1Ehrengardt-ListemannA. de l'AirECMJ 1/16Potez 631 pilot, 1940.
s/LtAndréBOURSAIN1Ehrengardt-ListemannA. de l'AirECN 1/1314/04/1953Potez 631, 1940. KIFA Indochina.
LtDALMAS1C-J. Ehrengardt, SHAAA. de l'AirGB II/62Glenn-Martin pilot, 1940.
EVPhilippe C. J. M.DE SCITIVAUX DE GREITSCHE1Ehrengardt-ListemannAer.Nav. & RAFAC1, AC2, 242Sq, 615Sq, 340Sq 'Ile de France'Potez 631, 1940; Spitfire, 41-42.
SMJeanDUPONT1Ehrengardt-ListemannAeron.Nav.AC218/05/1940Potez 631 pilot, 1940. KIA.
CaptGeorgesESCUDIER1Ehrengardt-ListemannA. de l'AirECMJ 1/16Potez 631 pilot, 1940.
AdjEVRARD1SHAAA. de l'AirGB I/19DB-7 pilot, 1940.
SgtFARRIOL1M. Comas(shared with A.A.Suisse)A. de l'AirECN 5/13Potez 631 pilot, 1940.
LtRaymondFELIX1C-J. Ehrengardt(by gunner)A. de l'AirGR II/5510/01/1940Potez 63-11 pilot, 1940.
LtMax Maurice JeanGUEDJ1Ehrengardt-ListemannRAF248Sq, 143Sq, Branff Wg15/01/1945Beaufighter, Mosquito, 1942-45. KIA.
AdjAndréGUICHARD1C-J. EhrengardtA. de l'AirECN 4/13, det. ECN I/1328/05/1940Potez 613 pilot, 1940. DOW.
s/LtRaymondGUILLER1Ehrengardt-ListemannA. de l'AirECN 2/13Potez pilot, 1940.
SCJean RobertHUCK1M. CatillonAdAECN 2/1304/01/1998
SMAndréMAULANDI1Ehrengardt-ListemannAeron.Nav.AC1 F1CAeron.Nav. Po 631 pilot, 1940.
S/LtMENANT1A.Prudhomme, SHAAAdAGBA I/54Breguet 693 pilot, France 1940.
S/CNORMAND1A.Prudhomme, SHAAArmée de l'AirGBAI/54Breguet 693 pilot, Aisne 1940.
EV1JeanPREVOST1Ehrengardt-ListemannAeron.Nav.AC2Aeron.Nav. pilot, Potez 631, 1940.
S/LtRogerSAUVAGE1T. PolakA. de l'Air & VVSGCI/5, ECMJ 1/16, GC3'Normandie'26/09/1977Potez 631, 1940. Yak ace, Russia.
SCAlbertSCHONER1SRAAA. de l'AirGAO I/520Potez 63 pilot, 1940.
CaptJeanTREILLARD1Ehrengardt-ListemannA. de l'AirECN 1/13Potez 631 pilot, 1940.
CneVILLEDIEU1A.PrudhommeGBA II/51Potez 633 bomber pilot, 1940.
Table: French twin-engine pilots victory credits

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