

Luftwaffe pilots born in former French regions

  The lists

All the lists present the following data:
Name and (when known) first name are presented with arbitrary choice for the spelling (russian, german, arab names...).
RANK of the pilot: see the rank page for the meaning of the abbreviations and the equivalence.
According to the pages, COUNTRY, NATION for the nationality or ethnic origin, AIR_SERVICE for the air arm, are provided.
The number of victories represents usually the total of kills (individual plus shared). The shared kills are indicated when known under the form [indiv+shared]. The official score is indicated when different from the total (American and British scores of ww2 for example).
Authors of the SOURCES column are given; report to the bibliography page to find the books, articles, web pages in alphabetical order. The OTHER_SOURCES column presents the divergent scores with sometimes the author of the source.
The DETAIL column shows occasionally the type of kill, balloons, V-1s, ground kills, unconfirmed kills...
The NOTE column exposes different commentaries and for lack of space, abbreviations are used: report to the abbreviation page for their meaning.

Updated: 27/09/2022

ObltEugen-LudwigZWEIGART69G.Rosipal, J.PerryLuftwaffe9, 8 & 7./JG54, Stab III./JG5408/06/1944KIA.
OfwEduardISKEN56R.Toliver-T.ConstableLuftwaffe8 & 7./JG77, 2./JGr.200, 1.(F)/AG123, 13./JG53Bf109, 1940-45, West, East, Med.
ObltHans-KarlMAYER22J. PerryL.Condor & Luftwaffe1.J/88; 1./JG5317/10/1940Bf109 ace, Spain, Westfeldzug.78; 5 Sp; 6 Sp + 31
LtnCharles (Karl) F.KERN1H.W.Neulen, J.ForemanLuftwaffe1./NJG101, 2./NJG4Ju-88 night fighter, 1944. POW.
MajWerner PaulROELL1T.KrackerLuftwaffeTGr/StG77, 4 & StabSt/StG77, I/JG770
MajHelmuthBODE0Luftwaffe2./506, 1(St)./TrGr.186, II./JG54, III./StG77Stuka pilot, 1940-42.
ObltWalterBORDELLÉ0LuftwaffeKG106, KGr.zbV.800
ObsltJoachimPOETTER0Luftwaffe7./KG51, Stab(Erg)/KGr4, I./KG77He111 and Ju88 pilot, 39-41.
MajHermannSCHMIDT0LuftwaffeKG100, I./KG66Do217, Ju88 and Ju188 pilot, 41-45.
Table: Luftwaffe pilots born in former French regions

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