

Austrian aces of WW2

  The lists

All the lists present the following data:
Name and (when known) first name are presented with arbitrary choice for the spelling (russian, german, arab names...).
RANK of the pilot: see the rank page for the meaning of the abbreviations and the equivalence.
According to the pages, COUNTRY, NATION for the nationality or ethnic origin, AIR_SERVICE for the air arm, are provided.
The number of victories represents usually the total of kills (individual plus shared). The shared kills are indicated when known under the form [indiv+shared]. The official score is indicated when different from the total (American and British scores of ww2 for example).
Authors of the SOURCES column are given; report to the bibliography page to find the books, articles, web pages in alphabetical order. The OTHER_SOURCES column presents the divergent scores with sometimes the author of the source.
The DETAIL column shows occasionally the type of kill, balloons, V-1s, ground kills, unconfirmed kills...
The NOTE column exposes different commentaries and for lack of space, abbreviations are used: report to the abbreviation page for their meaning.

Updated: 25/01/2019

MajWalter 'Nowi'NOWOTNY258R.Toliver-T.Constable(+ 22 unconf)9, 3, 1 & I./JG54, III./JG6, Kdo Nowotny08/11/1944Bf-109, FW-190, Eastern front. KIA.
HptmMaximillian 'Max'STOTZ189R.Toliver-T.Constable4. & 5./JG5419/08/1943Bf109E, 1940-43. MIA.
ObstGordon MacGOLLOB150R.Toliver-T.Constable3./ZG76, JG3, JG77Poland, Norway, BoB, Eastern front.
ObltKarl 'Charlie'GRATZ138R.Toliver-T.Constable8./JG52, 11./JG2, 10./JG52Bf109G, East, 42-45.
HptmFranzSCHALL137R.Toliver-T.ConstableJG52, Kdo.Nowotny, 10./JG710/04/1945Bf-109 and Me-262 ace. KIFA.133
ObltFriedrich 'Fritz'OBLESER127R.Toliver-T.Constable8, 7, 10 & III./JG52WIA 1944.120 (Perry,Saintes)
ObstLtDietrichHRABAK125R.Toliver-T.Constable1./JGr.76, II./JG54, JG52Poland, France, BoB, Balkans, Russia.
HptmRobert 'Bazzi'WEISS121R.Toliver-T.Constable6./JG26, III./JG5429/12/1944KIA.
MajHartmannGRASSER103R.Toliver-T.Constable(1 balloon)3./JGr.152, ZG2, II./JG51, III./JG1Bf110, BoB; Bf109, Russia.105
UffzHeinrichBARTELS99R.Toliver-T.Constable8./JG5, 11./JG2723/12/1944Channel, Greece, Western front. KIA.47
LtLeopold 'Poldi'STEINBATZ99R.Toliver-T.Constable9./JG5215/06/1942Bf109 ace, Ukraine 41-42. KIA.89
LtnJosef 'Pepi'JENNEWEIN86R.Toliver-T.ConstableI/JG26, III & 2./JG5127/07/1942MIA.
ObstLtAntonMADER86R.Toliver-T.ConstableZG76, JG2, II./JG77, JG11, JG54Bf110 and Bf109 ace.
HptmJosefHAIBÖCK77R.Toliver-T.Constable9 & 1./JG26, 1 & III./JG52, I./JG3Bf109, West, Ukraine, 39-44. WIA..
HptmMaximilianMAYERL76R.Toliver-T.Constable2./JG20, 9 & III./JG51, Erg.Gr.Nord, EJG1Bf-109, Poland, West, Russia, 39-43.77
UffzHans-HeinrichDÖBRICH70R.Toliver-T.Constable6./JG5Eismeerjäger, Bf 109. WIA 1943.65
UffzKarlHAMMERL67J.Perry, P.Saintes1./JG5202/03/1943Bf109, Ukraine 41-43. MIA.63 (Toliver)
HptmFranzSCHIESS (SCHIEHS)67R.Toliver-T.Constable8./JG5302/09/1943Bf-109, Italy. KIA.
UffzHubertSTRASSL67R.Toliver-T.Constable8./JG5108/07/1943Kursk, 31 v in 4 days. KIA.
MajBerndGALLOWITSCH64R.Toliver-T.Constable(+ 23 tanks)JG77, 10 & 12./JG51, EJG2, JG7, 4./JG1
MajGeorgMICHALEK59R.Toliver-T.ConstableI./JG54, II & I./JG3, JG108
LtnHermannBUCHNER58J. Perry(+ 46 tanks)6./SchlG1, 6, 4./SG2, 2 & 1./Kdo Nowotny, 9./JG7Fw190 Schlacht ace, Ost; Me262 jet ace.
HptmJosefKRAFT56R.Toliver-T.ConstableNJG4, 6, 4 & 3./NJG5, 7./NJG6, 12./NJG1
HptmEgmont Prinz ZurLIPPE-WEISSENFELD51R.Toliver-T.Constable(50 confirmed?)ZG76,3. 4. & III/NJG1,5./NJG2,I./NJG3,NJG512/03/1944Ju88, Bf110 night fighter ace. KIFA.50 (Foreman)
HptmRûdigerVON KIRCHMAYR50P. Kacha5, 4 & II./JG1, I./JG11, JV4446 (Toliver); 29
MajJohannesSCHMID45D. CaldwellI./JG2, Stab & 8./JG2606/11/1941Bf-109, West, BoB, Kanal. MIA.41 (Toliver)
LtJosefPÖHS43R.Toliver-T.Constable5./JG54, E.Kdo.1630/12/1943Balkans. KIFA Me-163 test pilot.
HptmLeopold 'Poldi'FELLERER41R.Toliver, J.Perry5 & 4./NJG1, 5./NJG2, 5 & III./NJG5, III./NJG644; 40 (Foreman)
MajRudolf 'Rudi'SINNER39R.Toliver-T.ConstableJG3, 2&6./JG27, IV/JG54, I./JG27, III./JG7Bf-109, West, Desert, East, def. Reich.
ObltKurtSOCHATZKY39C.Archambault-J-L.Roba(+27 ground)7./JG3POW 1941.38 (Toliver)
LtnAnton-RudolfPIFFER35T.Wood Claims lists11, 2 & 1./JG117/06/1944KIA.26 (Toliver)
MajErwinBACSILLA34E. Mombeek(with unconf?)II./ZG1,LG2,7./JG52,JG77, Sturmst1, IV./JG3, JG400Poland, BoB, Afrika, Sturm, 1939-45.
MajHubertRAUH31R.Toliver-T.Constable9, 6, 3 & II./NJG4
MajDr. PeterWERFFT-WESSELY26R.Toliver-T.ConstableIII./JG27Bf109G, 44-45.
MajJosef 'Joschko'FÖZÖ24R.Toliver-T.Constable(1 balloon)3.J/88; 4 & II./JG51, I./JG108Bf-109, Spain 38. WIFA 1942.
ObstJohannSCHALK21R.Toliver-T.ConstableIII./ZG26, ZG26, NJG3, NJG4Zerstörer ace.15
ObltWalter 'Jap'SCHNEIDER20R.Toliver-T.Constable5 & 6./JG2622/12/1941Bf-109, BoB, Kanal, 40-41. KIFA.
FwOskarBÖSCH18E. MombeekSturmst.1, 11.(Sturm) & 14./JG3Sturm pilot, FW190A, 1944-45. POW.
ObltAlfredWEHMEYER18R.Toliver-T.Constable7./ZG2601/06/1942Bf-110, BoB, Malta, Desert. Killed AA.
ObstLtTheodorROSSIWALL17R.Toliver-T.Constable3.J/88; 6 & 5./ZG26, NJG4, NJG1, ZG76Bf-110 ace, France, Russia, def.Reich.19; 21
ObltFritzSENGSCHMITT15R.Toliver-T.ConstableKG2, ZG76, ZG2611/01/1944Zerstoerer ace. KIA.
HptmJohannAISTLEITNER13OKL via J.Perry1. & Stab III., 8. and 5./JG2614/01/1944Bf-109, FW-190, Kanal, 1941-44. KIA.11(Caldwell);12(Toliver)
UffzHeinzGOMANN12R.Toliver-T.Constable5 & 6./JG26, JG7FW190A, Kanalfront, 1942.13
FwKurt WilhelmROEHRICH12E. MombeekSturmst.1, 11./JG319/07/1944Sturmstaffel ace, def.of the Reich. KIA.13
HptmHerbertBAUER11J. Perry(+ 51 tanks)StG2, SG2, SG103Stuka tank killer.
HptmHubertPÖLZ11J. Perry(+ 76 tanks)StG2, 7./SG3Tank killer.12
HptmPeter-PaulSTEINDL10D. CaldwellII./JG54, 9 & 11./JG2609/01/1945Bf109E, 1941-42. KIFA.
ObltEmmerichFLUDER9P. Watteeuw5. & 6./JG2731/05/1942West, BoB, Africa. MIA.8
FwHansWERTHNER9J.Foreman et al.7./NJG2, 7 & IV./NJG3Bf-110 & Ju-88 ace.8 (Ledwoch)
LtnNorbertGRAZIADEI85 & 6./JG300FW-190A8 ace.
LtnFriedrich GrafVON UIBERACKER7D. Caldwell1./JG2606/12/1942Bf-109E, BoB, Channel. KIA.
FwFranzSCHLOSSER6J.Perry7./JG5201/09/1941Bf109, Barbarossa. KIA.
LtEgonTROHA6JG26, JG27, III./JG3POW 1940.5
LtFranzACHLEITNER5OKL, Prien via J.Perry9./JG3Bf-109, BoF, BoB, 1940. POW.
ObltFritzENGAU5T.Wood Claims lists5./NJG1, 2, 1 & I./JG117
Table: Austrian aces of WW2

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