Small nations fighter pilot credits in WW1

  The lists

All the lists present the following data:
Name and (when known) first name are presented with arbitrary choice for the spelling (russian, german, arab names...).
RANK of the pilot: see the rank page for the meaning of the abbreviations and the equivalence.
According to the pages, COUNTRY, NATION for the nationality or ethnic origin, AIR_SERVICE for the air arm, are provided.
The number of victories represents usually the total of kills (individual plus shared). The shared kills are indicated when known under the form [indiv+shared]. The official score is indicated when different from the total (American and British scores of ww2 for example).
Authors of the SOURCES column are given; report to the bibliography page to find the books, articles, web pages in alphabetical order. The OTHER_SOURCES column presents the divergent scores with sometimes the author of the source.
The DETAIL column shows occasionally the type of kill, balloons, V-1s, ground kills, unconfirmed kills...
The NOTE column exposes different commentaries and for lack of space, abbreviations are used: report to the abbreviation page for their meaning.

Updated: 08/11/2007

Rank First Name Name Country Ww1 Victories Sources Detail Air Service Units Death Note Other Sources
Lt Alfred KOCH Helvetia 10 [8+2] C.Shores et al. (1 balloon)(4 kills+6 OoC) RFC 1Sq, 6Sq (obs.), 70Sq Observer, 1916; Camel ace, 1917-18.
Cdr Aristides MORAITINIS Greece 9 Ehrengardt & Listemann HAAS & RNAS Z(Greek)Sq 12/12/1918 Balkan War. Camel, Aegean sector, 1918.
Capt Clive Alexander BREWSTER-JOSKE Fiji 8 [6+2] Shores et al. (4 kills+4 OoC) RFC 2Sq, 46Sq RFC Pup ace, 1917.
Sgt Andre Louis BOSSON Helvetia 7 [5+2] Bailey & Cony (+ 2 unoff.) Av.Mil.fra. SPA 62 02/07/1918
sgt Cosimo 'Cosme' RENNELLA BARBATTO Ecuador 7 [5+2] Alegi (Franks et al.) (+ 10 unoff.) Av. Militare 31a, 32a, 48a, 45a, 78a 03/05/1937 Nieuport, HD.1, 1917-18.
Kapt Alexander Nikolaevich SEVERSKII PROKOFFIEV Georgia 6 Franks et al. IRAS 2Baltic, 2NKAO, 2FAO Grig, Nieuport, 1916-17. 4; 13(Melnikov)
Adj Jacques Rafael ROQUES Helvetia 5 [0+5] Bailey & Cony Av.Mil.fra. N 48, SPA 48; GCI/1 24/05/1988 + 3 unconf.
Uffz Ernst BIELEFELD Mexico 4 N.Franks et al. Fliegertruppe Jasta 60 23/06/1918
s/Lt Georges DE RAM Nederland 4 [3+1] Bailey & Cony (+ 1 unoff.) Av.Mil.fra. MF 8, N 23, gunner Observer-gunner. 2 (Franks)
Lt Carlos MEYER-BALDO Venezuela 4 C.Balladares Castillo (+3 unconf.) German AS FA(A)201, J11, J4 27/11/1933 Albatros, Fokker DVII, 1917-18.
sten Dante NANNINI SANDOVAL Guatemala 4 Citation 09.02.22 (1 balloon) Av.Militare 75a, 76a, 78a, 86a
Lt Valfrid Erhard 'Poju' NYKANEN Finland 4 IRAS 7FAO Nieuport pilot, Ukraine, 1918.
S/Lt Letch Niels JENSEN Denmark 3 J. Mortane FFC N35, N31, N76 Fought with French, Nieuport, 1916.
Alberto LELLO POTELLA Portugal 3 Av.Mil.fra. SPA124
s/Lt Djibrail Khan NAZARE-AGA Iran 2 M. Catillon Av.Mil.Fra. SOP66, BR108 28/01/1998 Sopwith, Breguet, 1917-18.
Capt Baron Kiyotake SHIGENO Japan 2 [1+1] Bailey & Cony FFC N 26 Nieuport, 1917. 1 unconf.
s/Lt Etienne TSU China 2 Bailey & Cony Av.Mil.fra. N 37 + 7 unconf.
Arturo DEL ORO Chili 1 C. Balladares Av.Militare Nieuport, 1 Aviatik by ramming, killed.
Maj Trygge GRAN Norway 1 RFC 08/01/1980 Pole explorer, author.
Ltn Johann HESSELINK Nederland 1 Frank-Bailey-Duiven (+ 1 prob.) Imp.German AS FFA57, Jasta33, Jasta39, FEA5 20/12/1918 2
Sgt Theophile INGOLD Helvetia 1 [0+1] Bailey & Cony FFC N 23 25/07/1916 Suiss pilot in French air service.
Oscar MONTEIRO-TORRES Portugal 1 Lopes-Cony RFC Spa65 KIA.
Sgt René Edmont Ernest VANDENDORPE Vietnam 1 F.W.Bailey-C.Cony (Zeppelin L.49, 1917) Av.Mil.Fra. N 152 Nieuport, Vosges, 1917.
Table: Small nations fighter pilot credits in WW1

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