

Egyptian victory credits of the Arab-Israeli wars

  The lists

All the lists present the following data:
Name and (when known) first name are presented with arbitrary choice for the spelling (russian, german, arab names...).
RANK of the pilot: see the rank page for the meaning of the abbreviations and the equivalence.
According to the pages, COUNTRY, NATION for the nationality or ethnic origin, AIR_SERVICE for the air arm, are provided.
The number of victories represents usually the total of kills (individual plus shared). The shared kills are indicated when known under the form [indiv+shared]. The official score is indicated when different from the total (American and British scores of ww2 for example).
Authors of the SOURCES column are given; report to the bibliography page to find the books, articles, web pages in alphabetical order. The OTHER_SOURCES column presents the divergent scores with sometimes the author of the source.
The DETAIL column shows occasionally the type of kill, balloons, V-1s, ground kills, unconfirmed kills...
The NOTE column exposes different commentaries and for lack of space, abbreviations are used: report to the abbreviation page for their meaning.

Updated: 07/09/2021

AliWAGEDY6(2 in 1970, 4 in 1973)UARAF & EAFMiG-21, Attrition, Ramadan wars.5 (Tillman)
ColAhmedATEF52L.Nordeen-D.NicolleUARAF & EAF49 SqMiG ace, 1967-74.2; 7 (Web Angelfire)
MajSamiMAREI5UARAF & EAF26/02/1970MiG-21, 1966-68. KIA.
CaptSamir AzizMIKHAIL5Web AmrUARAF & EAF47 Sq, 104 AirBr, 46 SqMiG-21, June, Attrition, Ramadan wars.2 (Nicolle); 3 (Havrlant)
HussainSAMY5Web AmrEAF
Abd el-HamidQADRI41D.Nicolle-T.CooperUARAF & EAF45Sq; 47(NF)SqMiG-21, June, Attrition, Ramadan wars.
TaherSAKI4D. NicolleREAFSpitfire, War of palestine, 1948.Ground kills?
CaptAhmadWAFAI4V. HavrlantUARAF & EAFMiG-21, Attrition and Ramadan wars.3 (Cooper); 5
LtFikriASHMAWY (el-)3Lednicer+Nicolle-CooperUARAF & EAF26 SqMiG-21, June and Attrition wars.
Ahmed NurDIN (el-)3D.Nicolle-T.Cooper(+1 probable)UARAF & EAF26Sq02/07/1969MiG-21, 1969. KIFA.4
CaptMuhammadGIRI (el-)3T.Cooper (AirCombat)SyAAFMiG-17, Ramadan War.4; 2
al-MASRI3EAFMiG-23, 1974.
RedhatZAKI3Cooper-NicolleSyAAF47 Sq, 45 Sq, 231 Air Brig., 26 SqMiG-21F pilot, 1967.
SLdrMuhammad Abd al-HamidABU ZAYD2L.Nordeen-D.NicolleREAF5Sq, 2Sq, 6Sq19/10/1948Spitfire, Fury, Palestine 1948 war. KIA.
M. FikryGINDY (el-)2T.Cooper-D.Nicole(only claims?)EAF & SyAAF62Sq (?), 15Sq SyAAFMiG-17F, Golan, October War.
CaptAbd-el MoneimMURSI2Cooper-NicolleUARAF & EAF26 Sq05/06/1967MiG-21, June war. KIFA.
CaptFatihSELIM22D.Nicolle-T.CooperUARAF & EAFHurghada MiG-19 SqMiG-19, June War.1 indiv
LtColAbdul RahmanSIDKI22D.Nicolle-T.CooperUARAF & EAFHurghada MiG-19Sq, 53SqMiG-19, June War.1 indiv
ABD-ZAYED1Web AngelfireREAFPalestine War.
LtColTamim FahmiABDULLAH1T. Cooper (Air Combat)49 SqMiG-21, Attrition & October Wars.
LtMohammedADOUB1Havrlant, Nicolle-CooperEAF104 ABMiG-21MF, Ramadan War.
MedhatARAFA1D.Nicole-F.SharmyEAF104Wg(?)MiG-21 pilot, October War.
ASSY (el-)11D.Nicolle-T.CooperUARAFMiG-21, October war.
AYMEN1T.Cooper-D.NicoleEAF & SyAAF15Sq SyAAFMiG-17F pilot, Golan, October War.
BAKER1T.Cooper-D.NicoleEAF & SyAAF15 Sq SyAAFMiG-17f pilot, Golan, October War.0
RaufDIN (el-)1D.Nicolle-T.CooperUARAF & EAFMiG-21, Attrition War.
AlaaEDDIN1EAFMiG-21MF, Ramadan War, 1973.
FATHI1Web AcigUARAFMiG-19, June War.
LtColFaruqGHAZAWY (el-)1L.Nordeen-D.NicolleUARAF & EAF5 AirBrMiG-15, Suez. MiG-21, June War.
CaptFaroukHAMDA1Cooper-Nicolle47 Sq, 231 Air Brig.
MajAwadHAMDI1Cooper-NicolleUARAF & EAF26 SqMiG-21FL, June War.
CaptAbdel MoneimHAMMAM1T.Cooper-D.NicoleEAF46SqMiG-21MF pilot, October War.
DiaHEFNAWY (el-)1D.LednicerEAF27SqMiG-21, October War, 1973.
LtHusseinISMAIL1D.Nicolle-T.CooperUARAF & EAF27SqMiG-21, Attrition War.
HasanKESSARY (el-)1EAF
CaptMuhammad AliKHAMIS1L.Nordeen-D.NicolleUARAF & EAF55SqSu-7BMK, June War.2
MamduhMALT (el-)1V. HavrlantEAFMiG-21FL, October War.
MajMANI1D.Nicolle-T.CooperUARAF & EAF25SqMiG-21, 1969.
Ahmed KamalMANSOURI (el-)1Group 73 siteUARAFMiG-21, War of Attrition.
ACdrMuhammad Abd al-MunimMIQATI1L.Nordeen-D.NicolleREAFLysander, Palestine War.
CaptNasrMOUSSA1V.Havrlant, Nicolle-CoopeEAF46 SqMiG-21MF, October War.
ColAhmad AdilNASR1L.Nordeen-D.NicolleUARAF & EAF26 Sq, 101 A.Brig, 104 F.Brig.MiG-21PFM, June War.
SLdrNur al Din MuhammedNASR AL-DIN1Cull Aloni NicolleREAF2SqSpitfire LF9. POW.
2LtSaidOTHMAN1Cooper-NicolleUARAF45Sq05/06/1967MiG-21 pilot, June war. KIA.
LtHassanQUSRI (el-)1Cooper-NicolleUARAF49 Sq, 26 SqMiG-21 pilot, June War.
LtAshirRAMI1D.Nicolle-T.CooperUARAF & EAFMiG-19, 1969.
MajFawziSALAMA1D.Nicolle-T.CooperUARAF & EAF45 Sq, 231 Air Brig.MiG-21, 1967-69.
Brig GenFouadSAMI1Moneim via Cooper-NicolleEAFAir Group 9 (Inchas AB)05/06/1967MiG-21, June war, KIA.0
SHAFIK1D.Nicolle-T.CooperUARAF & EAF
ColNabilSHUWAKRI1L.Nordeen-D.NicolleUARAF, EAF & NigAF49 Sq, 26 Sq, 102.ABMiG-21, June. Biafran and October Wars.2
MajMamdouhTALIBA1Cooper-NicolleUARAFMiG-17 pilot, June 67 War.
LtURFAN1D.Nicolle-T.CooperUARAF & EAFMiG-21, 1970.
CaptAhmed YusufWAKEEL (el-)1Havrlant, Nicolle-CooperEAF42SqMiG-21, Ramadan War.5
Table: Egyptian victory credits of the Arab-Israeli wars

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