

Foreign volunteers with Republicans

  The lists

All the lists present the following data:
Name and (when known) first name are presented with arbitrary choice for the spelling (russian, german, arab names...).
RANK of the pilot: see the rank page for the meaning of the abbreviations and the equivalence.
According to the pages, COUNTRY, NATION for the nationality or ethnic origin, AIR_SERVICE for the air arm, are provided.
The number of victories represents usually the total of kills (individual plus shared). The shared kills are indicated when known under the form [indiv+shared]. The official score is indicated when different from the total (American and British scores of ww2 for example).
Authors of the SOURCES column are given; report to the bibliography page to find the books, articles, web pages in alphabetical order. The OTHER_SOURCES column presents the divergent scores with sometimes the author of the source.
The DETAIL column shows occasionally the type of kill, balloons, V-1s, ground kills, unconfirmed kills...
The NOTE column exposes different commentaries and for lack of space, abbreviations are used: report to the abbreviation page for their meaning.

Updated: 08/11/2007

Rank First Name Name Country Spain Ww2 Sources Detail Units Death Note Other Sources
Bozhidar 'Bosco' PETROVIC Yugoslavia 8 H. Gustavsson Gr.Malraux, 2a/Gr.12, 1a.Chato 12/07/1937 Br.19, SB-2, I-15, 1936-37. KIA. 7; 4+1 sh
Jan "Kozek" FERAK Czechoslovakia 7 V.Arkhipov Esc.Espana pilot. 1
Col Boris Alexandrovich TURZHANSKII Poland 6 T. Polak 06/08/1937
Anton Vik. 'Casimiro' KOVALEWSKI Poland 5 Arkhipov I-15 ace. Test pilot. 10; 9; 3
MlVo Josip KRIZAJ Yugoslavia 3 T. Polak 11.LVP
Robert Bannister PIKKETT Great Britain 1 J.Arraez Cerda (Air France Wibault FTL) Patrulla La Rabasa Ni-52, coastal defence, 1936.
Ernst G(eorg?) SCHACHT Germany 1 (more?)
Table: Foreign volunteers with Republicans

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